Berth mainly draws gag cartoons for the editorial pages, in particular under the title Le XXIe siècle est parmi nous (“The 21st Century Is Upon Us”).

Spirou News and Comics in English
Berth mainly draws gag cartoons for the editorial pages, in particular under the title Le XXIe siècle est parmi nous (“The 21st Century Is Upon Us”).
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It took me a while to recognise the characters…this certainly is an unique style…
Rude, Spirou, very rude to just laugh at Seccotine getting stung by the wasp. >:/
To be fair, she wasn’t stung yet… When she actually gets stung, Spirou falls silent in shame…
Now I realize the complete strip is a take on Isa’s very last panel…
Will Seccotine pass out again?…
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