21 September, 2024
"Spirou's Exquisite Corpse" p. 35 ('Spirou: Un Cadavre Exquis'; ill. Benoît Ers; (c) Dupuis and the artist; SR scanlation)

Scanlation Sunday: Exquisite Corpse 35

"Spirou's Exquisite Corpse" p. 35 ('Spirou: Un Cadavre Exquis'; ill. Benoît Ers; (c) Dupuis and the artist; SR scanlation)

Benoît Ers drew Les démons d’Alexia (“Alexia’s Demons”), written by Dugomier, and also does other occasional illustrations for the Journal. His other titles include Hell School and Tueurs de mamans (“The Mommy Killers”), so with his track record you could argue that Spirou got off easy here!

Spirou Reporter

I grew up reading Spirou in Scandinavian translations. Now I'm learning French and trying to decode the originals.

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