29 March, 2025
Excerpt from 'La Fille de Zorglub' ("Zorglub's Daughter"; ill. José Luis Munuera; Copyright (c) 2016 Dupuis and the artist; image from facebook.com/jota.munu)

First look at Zorglub’s daughter

Munuera has been posting some image from the work on his upcoming one-shot, La Fille de Zorglub (“Zorglub’s Daughter”) to Facebook, including this half-page:

Excerpt from 'La Fille de Zorglub' ("Zorglub's Daughter"; ill. José Luis Munuera; Copyright (c) 2016 Dupuis and the artist; image from facebook.com/jota.munu)
Excerpt from ‘La Fille de Zorglub’, by José Luis Munuera (2016)

There’s a black-and-white lineart version here. According to the information in the post, the album should be out in 2017.

Moreover there are two panoramic images, one of his studio (where you can see the Franquin albums he’s using for reference) and one of a couple of pages he’s working on (10 hours a day, as he says), where we can see someone who seems to be the daughter in question:

Munuera's studio (photo by José Luis Munuera, 2016; image from facebook.com/jota.munu)

'La Fille de Zorglub' work in progress (ill. José Luis Munuera; Copyright (c) 2016 Dupuis and the artist; image from facebook.com/jota.munu)

(Thanks to Geoff on InediSpirou for the heads up!)

Spirou Reporter

I grew up reading Spirou in Scandinavian translations. Now I'm learning French and trying to decode the originals.

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31 thoughts on “First look at Zorglub’s daughter

  1. So, Morvan isn’t involved in this album? I remember that “Aux sources du Z” originally was meant to be a one-shot, but the team was persuaded by Dupuis to make it a regular album instead, with some problematic implications…

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