29 March, 2025
"Spirou's Exquisite Corpse" p. 39 ('Spirou: Un Cadavre Exquis'; ill. Bruno Madaule; (c) Dupuis and the artist; SR scanlation)

Scanlation Sunday: Exquisite Corpse 39

"Spirou's Exquisite Corpse" p. 39 ('Spirou: Un Cadavre Exquis'; ill. Bruno Madaule; (c) Dupuis and the artist; SR scanlation)

Bruno Madaule‘s usual contribution to the Journal de Spirou is Givrés! – but more recently he’s also been represented with the strip Cramés, drawn under the mysterious pseudonym “Eluadam”.

Spirou Reporter

I grew up reading Spirou in Scandinavian translations. Now I'm learning French and trying to decode the originals.

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14 thoughts on “Scanlation Sunday: Exquisite Corpse 39

  1. No one [url=https://www.facebook.com/spiroureporter/posts/545295352303789?comment_id=545303822302942&reply_comment_id=545413458958645]could positively identify[/url] the song in the original version, so the translation is just a best guess at what sort of music it was meant to be.

    From 'Spirou: Un Cadavre Exquis' p. 39 (ill. Bruno Madaule; (c) Dupuis and the artist)

    But don’t it feel good? Hey!

  2. This is one of the reasons why mobile phones aren’t allowed at lab… That, and the possibility of it carrying dangerous micro-organisms home. It would be funny if I’d print this comic out to hang up at lab.

      1. Depends what they’re doing on lab. If they’re working with possible dangerous bacteria, I won’t recommend they’re taking a phone with them. If it’s a chemical lab without any living organisms (like tiny yellow squids), it doesn’t really matter then.

        Often in comics and media lab rules are ignored. Take a look at this particular comic for example: the Count has to pipet only one or a few drops into the solution or it will explode. Apparently, the amount of liquid in the pipette has to be precise. This is unrealistically executed since 1. using a Pasteur pipette is very imprecise (he should have used a dosing pipette) and 2. the Count is making the solution in a measuring cup, which is VERY imprecise and is only to be used for stock solutions. So this way, a precise concentration can’t be made, while apparently (since it exploded because of too much pipetted liquid) it should be precise.

        1. I took the tool he’s holding to be a [url=https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Glass_rod]stirring rod[/url], but you are of course right that the comic doesn’t attempt to depict proper lab procedure realistically. Thanks for the domain expert perspective!

          1. Oh, that does make more sense along with the text, yes. I’ve never used a stirring rod, we use stirring beans (magnets on a stir plate) for that. I’m not an expert, I’m just a second-year student.

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