29 March, 2025
"Inktober Day 27" Spirou and Fantasio sketch (ill. Nacho "NachoMon" Fernandez; Copyright (c) 2016 by the artist; Spirou (c) Dupuis; image from nachomon.deviantart.com)

Fanart Friday: Nacho’s Inktober

Inktober is a drawing challenge where artists try to make one ink drawing a day throughout October, following some general prompt. This year’s prompt for Day 27 was “creepy”, though I have to say I don’t really see it (probably some artists just ignore the prompts and draw whatever they like):

"Inktober Day 27" Spirou and Fantasio sketch (ill. Nacho "NachoMon" Fernandez; Copyright (c) 2016 by the artist; Spirou (c) Dupuis; image from nachomon.deviantart.com)
Inktober Day 27: Spirou and Fantasio, by Nacho Fernandez (2016)

Nacho’s fanart was featured here before.

Spirou Reporter

I grew up reading Spirou in Scandinavian translations. Now I'm learning French and trying to decode the originals.

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14 thoughts on “Fanart Friday: Nacho’s Inktober

    1. Lovely image, Olivier, but I have a question:
      Why bother to participate if you are going to ignore the prompts?
      Seems you are not the only one doing that, but I don’t understand why.

      1. The prompts are not mandatory (they even were created only last year). Inktober is rather a challenge to yourself, for the sake of improving your inking technique, like a marathon, it’s hard to keep with the days (I failed and gave up because it takes too much time). Inktober is not a competition. The prompts are here to help you if you don’t know what to draw.

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