Another piece of fanart from last year’s series of Spanish exhibitions. This one by Neryko is from Spirou, un botones en el palacio (“Spirou: A Bellhop in the Palace”), held last November–December in Santander, and shows the city’s great casino in the background.
Emily Stewart liked this on Facebook.
Fu liked this on Facebook.
Michel Demoustier liked this on Facebook.
Nice! Your own work, or who’s the artist?
Spirou Reporter yes it is mine. Spirou has always been important to me.
Helge Kvingedal liked this on Facebook.
Delphy Xion liked this on Facebook.
Marc Philips liked this on Facebook.
What’s that Mikael Göransson post? Some Facebook thingie?
Yup: https://www.facebook.com/spiroureporter/posts/682070941959562?comment_id=682138618619461