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Sophian Cholet is the artist of a series called Zombies. This piece is from another of the “… y se escribe Spirou” exhibitions, this time in Barcelona (which ended 21. May).
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Looks like someone has seen the new look Archie comics…
What are Archie comics?
You mean this?
I mean this. I’m aware that the characters aren’t that well known in France but I thought perhaps the artist had seen some of the artwork from the recent revamp on the internet (or actually read the comics via Comixology).
Since it’s the artist you’re talking to (Hi Sophian! Nice work!), I guess not! 😀 I can see what you mean, though. The style does somewhat resemble Fiona Staples’ work.
Oh, maybe they are well-known and I’m just one of the guys who don’t know them. 🙂
Hi Sophian! It’s a lovely piece and, for the record, wasn’t accusing you of aping someone else’s work (or worse) — was not my intent.
Thanks for sharing my tribute to one of my favourite album by Tome & Janry!
Actually, I’m not entirely sure if there’s ever been an attempt to bring the characters to France. I know they’re unknown in the UK, probably because their own ‘girls’ comics were already so entrenched.
Oh, I remember there was an animated serie!
As you might surmise, I’m a big Spirou fan. It’s frustrating that so relatively few volumes have been translated into English.
But I was more inclined in japanese anime at the time…
I’ve actually seen the most recent Spirou cartoon; it was dubbed TWO OF A KIND and it ran on out Netflix streaming service.
Sophian Cholet Archie is famous in America but not very well known most other places. Fiona Staples is probably best known as the artist for the hit comic ‘Saga’.
Didn’t mean to do that American thing of assuming that popular here means popular everywhere. I knew the characters were essentially unknown in the UK and France. Likewise Asia, except for India for some reason. I’m also a big fan of ‘Saga’, by the way.
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Archie’s been published in French several times, although the series might not be such a household name as in the US… In the French-speaking world, it seems he might possibly be most famous in Quebec… Then, professionals in the business would be more likely to know about series and characters from overseas than the general audience, so it might still not be completely unlikely… (Although it might also be that an attempt to create a semi-realist young redhead male would lead to similar results…)
The series have been published several times in Scandinavia, as well.
Sophian Cholet actually responded on Facebook, indicating he didn’t know it, but the comments didn’t appear here until I approved them just now. Should be visible now.
India was mentioned in connection to Archie, as well… Might be due to a closer affinity to Anglo-American culture…
And English as a comparably bigger native language/ lingua franca , so there’s a market for imported popular culture directly, without required extra costs for translation…
Just speculating…
And “Klaus” just mentioned this link in another post on “Fantasio gets married” / “Fantasio se marie”… Seems like the inspiration might go in the other direction…