1 April, 2025
Spirou #55, photo of half-inked pages 27A and 27B (ill. Yoann & Vehlmann; (c) Dupuis and the artists; image from inedispirou.com)

New Spirou 55 page

Spirou #55, photo of half-inked pages 27A and 27B (ill. Yoann & Vehlmann; (c) Dupuis and the artists; image from inedispirou.com)

Posted by Yoann to facebook last week (and found via InediSpirou), this photo shows two partially inked half-pages (27A and 27B) from Yoann & Vehlmann’s next Spirou album. If Yoann is finishing them more or less in order, he would appear to be on track to complete it towards the end of the year, perhaps.

Spirou Reporter

I grew up reading Spirou in Scandinavian translations. Now I'm learning French and trying to decode the originals.

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2 thoughts on “New Spirou 55 page

  1. Is Spirou tied up in one of the panels? Maby someone kiddnaped him, while Fantasio was unconscious because of that blow to the head.

    1. I think it’s the other way around. As far as I can make out, it starts off with Spirou already tied up, while they’re all going down the river in a boat (presumably) without oars, a paddle or a motor. Some other character jumps off onto a passing branch, shouting “Every man for himself!”

      Fantasio: “I’ll release you, Spirou! I’ll just take my bag and…”
      Spirou: “Fantasio, look out!”

      … and then Fantasio gets knocked out by another branch.

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