At first glance, there’s nothing particularly special about the half-page above. Looks familiar, clearly drawn by Yoann in his current Spirou style, it’s from one of his albums, right? … But wait! Which album? Zorglub and Martin only appear together in the one-shot, but that was drawn in a completely different style. What’s going on?
It turns out that it is in fact a redrawn version of this half-page from Les géants pétrifiés (“The Petrified Giants”):
Why would Yoann redraw half a page from an earlier album? I have no idea. The only idea I can think of is that it was in preparation for having Martin appear in Le groom de Sniper Alley (Spirou & Fantasio #54, “The Sniper Alley Bellhop”), to work out how the character would fit in the more classical style. But that’s just a wild guess. Maybe it was just for fun. Or maybe Yoann has started drawing fanart of his own work!
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Seems like practise to me. I’m not getting worked-up about it.
Begoña Nogueira liked this on Facebook.
Where did you find it?
On 2dgalleries.com. The link is in the image caption (Yoann’s name), as usual – though I agree it’s a little hard to find this time.
It’s a test page he made before starting Les Géants Pétrifiés – when he wasn’t sure about the style he’ll be using. Here is the color version : http://www.mysteryo.com/admin/images/inedits/i_spirou.jpg
Ah, thanks! I guess that explains it. I didn’t realize he had experimented with a more classical style even at that time. I’ll have to go back and have another look at the sketches in the Khani edition.
Yeah, I figured that, as well. Generally, the printed version feels improved in most aspects (although the hunching Spirou with his video cam feels a bit unnatural). The sense of life and energy has gotten a lot better.
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