29 March, 2025
Page from 'Le Okapi blanc' (ill. Frank Pé & Zidrou; (c) Dupuis and the artist; image via stripspeciaalzaak.be)

White Okapi spotted in the wild

Page from 'Le Okapi blanc' (ill. Frank Pé & Zidrou; (c) Dupuis and the artist; image via stripspeciaalzaak.be)

Updated: Originally posted on Stripspeciaalzaak and then reposted in many other places, a page said to be from the upcoming one-shot by Frank Pé and Zidrou, previously known as L’Okapi blanc (“The White Okapi”), but now listed under a new Dutch title, Het Licht van Borneo (“The Light from Borneo”). This page is apparently on exhibition at the CBBD in Brussels. From what we see here, Champignac and an acquaintance have discovered a nonexistent mushroom, and Spirou wants to take up painting as a hobby. Notice that Spirou’s part of the story takes place in Brussels (you can see the edge of Frank’s famous mural).

Stripspeciaalzaak also report that Frank has finished 20 pages out of a projected 78, and that the one-shot is expected in 2016. (Let me also add that none of the first few places I saw this reposted even mentioned Stripspeciaalzaak or the CBBD, which is just poor form. Since they also omitted much of the other information, they’re also depriving their readers of the chance to find out more.)

Spirou Reporter

I grew up reading Spirou in Scandinavian translations. Now I'm learning French and trying to decode the originals.

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19 thoughts on “White Okapi spotted in the wild

  1. Just to add that the spirou.perso site, on which this info was also (re)posted, DID mention stripspeciaalzaak.be as its source, and reported most of the information given here…
    Thanks a lot for your VERY intersesting and well informed site…

    1. Yes, spirou.perso (and InediSpirou) gave credit. Props for that! Unfortunately I didn’t see either of them before I posted the first version of this story, so I missed a lot of the information and used a lower-quality version of the image.

      Thanks for the kind words!

  2. Frank Pé’s a very underappreciated artist. Might be because he works so slow. (Possibly his hobby of breeding alligators takes up valuable time.) His “Broussaille” series is a good example of that magical realism that turned into a quite popular style in the Spirou magazine around the 70’s and 80’s.

  3. Quite fair for Stripfacts, however this very interesting website himself doesn’t mention his sources very often.

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