Comic Scanlation Sunday: Exquisite Corpse 24 by Spirou Reporter28 September, 201429 September, 2014 Guillaume Decaux often does a games page in the Journal, and sometimes collaborates with Thiriet. Related posts: Scanlation Sunday: Exquisite Corpse 12 Scanlation Sunday: Exquisite Corpse 32-33 Scanlation Sunday: Exquisite Corpse 20 Scanlation Sunday: Exquisite Corpse 21 Scanlation Sunday: Exquisite Corpse 25
I think that might be a reflection of the fact that the author of this strip does a puzzle page in the magazine. 🙂 Reply
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i do not know Fantasio had a thing in number puzzles XD
I think that might be a reflection of the fact that the author of this strip does a puzzle page in the magazine. 🙂
and THAT even makes him cuter…imaging him sitting in the coach doing those puzzles :3
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