22 January, 2025
'Spiro Magazine' #6 (ill. unknown collage from images by Franquin and other Journal de Spirou artists, and Guiseppe Arcimboldo; (c) Arab Comics, Dupuis, and the artists; image from arabcomics.net)

It’s Official: Spirou in Arabic

'Spiro Magazine' #6 (collage based on Franquin illustration, from images by various Journal de Spirou artists, and Guiseppe Arcimboldo; (c) Arab Comics, Dupuis, and the artists; image from arabcomics.net)
مجلة سبيرو (‘Spiro Magazine’) #6, Franquin and various artists. Image from ArabComics.net.

While this cover is based on Franquin’s 1960s–70s masthead illustration for the Journal de Spirou (which can be seen in the corner), the collage gives it a pretty different feel. This is from the Arabic magazine مجلة سبيرو, which according to Google translates to Spiro Magazine. Don’t know much more about it, not even the year it was published. It’s cool that the series has been translated into Arabic, though.

Spirou Reporter

I grew up reading Spirou in Scandinavian translations. Now I'm learning French and trying to decode the originals.

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7 thoughts on “It’s Official: Spirou in Arabic

  1. Is it certain this is authentic? There’s so much here that makes it look like fan work, mostly that the characters utilized to create the image is from such a wide span of the magazine’s publishing, from the 50’s to the present.

  2. Well, I can only say that the site looks legit to me, with plausible covers not just for a number of Spirou issues, but also a bunch of [url=http://www.arabcomics.net/phpbb3/list/home.php?Action=publications&Section=1&id=46]other comics and magazines[/url].

    Yeah, the range covered by the collage is quite impressive, from Gil Jourdan, Olivier Rameau and Docteur Poche to Nelson. It did make me wonder whether they could actually publish Natacha in the Arab world.

  3. Thank you. Very strange cover design. There also appears to have been a Tintin translation, seemingly in the 80’s and 90’s.

    Not sure where this was published. Certain Arab countries are more liberal than others.

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