1 April, 2025
Spirou intégrale 7 cover FI (ill. Egmont, Franquin; (c) Dupuis, Egmont)

Publications update (week 49-50)

The year is winding down, and this might be the last publications update until 2014. Dupuis addresses the problems with the Gaston box set, Finland sees its first Spirou collected edition book, and future one-shots are hinted at…

Missing Gaston pages added as supplement

Gaston Lagaffe box setIn response to complaints about the pages missing from the Gaston box set, Dupuis announced that they will put out a 16-page supplement, available for free to buyers of the box. (Estimates of the number of missing pages vary wildly, but Dupuis are sticking with ten, saying the leaflet will include all the ones missing as well as other extras.) The supplement should be available from 15. January in stores where the box was sold; people who ordered it online should contact boutique@dupuis.com to have the leaflet sent (unless they got it directly from the publisher, in which case it will be sent automatically). It’s not an ideal solution, but it’s probably the best they can do under the circumstances. (Source)

Zorglub intégrale in Finnish

Spirou intégrale 7 cover FI (ill. Egmont, Franquin; (c) Dupuis, Egmont)Finnish Egmont has put out Piko ja Fantasio: Zorbul-tarinat, the Finnish edition of vol. 7 of the intégrale collected edition, Le mythe Zorglub (1959–1960, “The Zorglub Myth”). It contains the classic two-part Franquin adventure Z comme Zorglub (“Z is for Zorglub”) and L’ombre du Z (“The Shadow of Z”), along with the short La peur au bout du fil (“Fear at the End of the Line”). This is the first collected edition book published in Finnish, with no word on future releases. There’s some discussion on kvaak.fi about the quality of the translation; if that’s something that concerns you I assume you can make better sense of it than Google Translate can.

The Marolles Fetish to be two-parter

'La femme léopard' - later retitled 'Le fétiche des Marolles' - cover proposal (ill. Schwartz & Yann; (c) Dupuis and the artists; via olivierschwartz.blogspot.com)In an interview accompanying the first installment of the serialized one-shot Le fétiche des Marolles (“The Marolles Fetish”) in the Journal de Spirou #3949, Yann reveals that the adventure is intended to unfold over two albums. (And hints that this version of Spirou might go on even beyond that.) He also jokingly blames Émile Bravo for starting the multi-volume “one-shot” trend.

De Pins might make Spirou one-shot

Detail from Journal de Spirou/Spirou.Z promo (ill. Arthur de Pins; (c) Dupuis and the artist)In an interview with BD Gest, Arthur de Pins (Zombillénium) says that he would like to make a Spirou one-shot when he can find the time, and that he already has a story in mind, but that he can only do so much at a time. So for the time being this sounds like little more than loose talk. De Pins has previously contributed Spirou illustrations for the magazine, and took part in the Exquisite Corpse Spirou comic jam.

Spirou Reporter

I grew up reading Spirou in Scandinavian translations. Now I'm learning French and trying to decode the originals.

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