23 February, 2025
Spirou 53 cover FR Gold (ill. Yoann, Vehlmann; (c) Dupuis)

The publishing schedule giveth…

… and the publishing schedule taketh away. The last week or so has seen quite a lot of changes to the list of upcoming publications.

From 'Le fétiche des Marolles' (ill. Schwartz & Yann)First, Schwartz & Yann’s upcoming one-shot, the recently retitled Le fétiche des Marolles (“The Marolles Fetish”; previously known as La femme-léopard, or “The Leopard Woman”), has been pushed back from 11. October to January 2014. The reason for the delay is reportedly that work was preempted by various illustration jobs for the anniversary year. (Source: InediSpirou)

Spirou.Z (ill. Dupuis)Meanwhile, mixed news on the digital front: Issue #1 of the new digital magazine Spirou.Z is set to come out in October, as planned. However, work on porting the app to Android has hit setbacks, and the tablet-based magazine will remain iPad-only for now. On the other hand, at the same time a Dupuis representative indicated that digital distribution of the Journal de Spirou itself will soon be announced. (Source: Spirou.com Forums)

Spirou 53 cover FR Gold (ill. Yoann, Vehlmann; (c) Dupuis)There’s been vague talk for a long time about a “Gold Edition” of Dans les griffes de la vipère (Spirou #53, “In the Clutches of the Viper”), but details are now finally available. This special edition of the album will come out on 8. November and will feature, apart from a golden cover, 24 extra illustrated pages with Yoann discussing his collaboration with Fred Blanchard (who provides some of the backgrounds and is credited for “design” on the book). (Sources: InediSpirou, Amazon)

Spirou sous le manteau (ill. Dupuis, Severin)8. November is also the release date for the art portfolio of deluxe prints from Al Séverin’s Spirous sous le manteau (“Spirou Under the Counter”). Containing 20 prints, of which five are previously unpublished, this limited edition (320 signed copies) will only be available from the Dupuis website. (Source: InediSpirou)

Gaston Lagaffe box setFurthermore, in the same month (on 22. November) Dupuis is also putting out a complete Gaston Lagaffe box set. Featuring new coloring based on Franquin’s color guides, and in a unique format that offers a more authentic presentation of the strips and half-page gags of the early series, this collection could finally provide a definite answer answer to the question, “which edition of Gaston should I get?” (Source: Dupuis, BDGest, InediSpirou)

'Journal d'un ingénu' DK: 'Portræt af helten som troskyldig ung mand' (ill. Bravo; (c) Cobolt)Finally, a teaser poster by Cobolt confirms that the Danish publisher has Journal d’un ingénu on the schedule for release later this year. An official announcement and further details expected within the next few days. (Source: Facebook) Update: The Danish edition is called Splint: Portræt af helten som troskyldig ung mand (“Spirou: Portrait of the Hero as a Naive Young Man”) and will be released around 7. October. (Source: Danske Tegneserieskabere Forum)

With so many things coming out in such a short time, publishing delays are almost a relief… at least to the wallet!

Spirou Reporter

I grew up reading Spirou in Scandinavian translations. Now I'm learning French and trying to decode the originals.

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