22 February, 2025
24-hour Spirou challenge entry, p. 4 (ill Andaine; Copyright (c) 2017 by the artist; Spirou (c) Dupuis; image from http://24hdelabdspecialspirouetfantasio.citebd.org)

Fanart Friday: Andaine 24-hour

Watch live video from dainedaine on www.twitch.tv

The deadline for the 24-hour Spirou challenge has now passed, with 10 completed entries and another 14 partially finished. One of the ones still working is Andaine (amateur category), who has been live-streaming the progress for the last day, page by hand-painted page. (The livestream just went offline while writing this post, so instead I’ve included a video clip from yesterday. The rest of them are on Twitch.) You can see the uploaded pages here.

Congratulations to all contestants, and looking forward to reading their stories over the next few days!

Spirou Reporter

I grew up reading Spirou in Scandinavian translations. Now I'm learning French and trying to decode the originals.

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12 thoughts on “Fanart Friday: Andaine 24-hour

  1. Hot tip! The new Norwegian edition of “La lumière de Bornéo” (Norwegian title: Sprint Spesial nr. 1 – Borneos blikk) has been observed and purchased in a Narvesen shop today. That very likely means that the official release date is the upcoming Monday, May 22. Here is the relevant thread on Serienett’s Facebook group: https://www.facebook.com/groups/377924145586/permalink/10158625457605587/ (By the way, can you spot the grammatical error on the cover?)

  2. You got it, Håkan!

    Sadly, in recent years I’ve gotten pretty used to seeing occacional spelling errors in translated comics here in Norway. But this one takes it to a new extreme by having such an obvious error in full display ON THE COVER.

          1. “Marvels universum”? “Rouge – vän eller fiende”?

            I still don’t see it. The genitive -s in “Marvels” seems appropriate.

  3. Spirou Reporter, for some reason I can’t press reply under your latest comment, so I’m copy-pasting it here for clarity…

    ““Rouge” should be “Rogue” (confusing the two words is a very common mistake).”

    Ohhh, really? I’m not into the Marvel Universe enough to know that. 😉 I just assumed “Rouge” was the character’s name.

    Oh, and by the way: the “Reply” button next to all the previous comments above is pretty much invisible. That’s why my “You got it, Håkan” comment above was posted as a separate comment rather than underneath the previous thread — I simply didn’t see it when commenting. You might wanna give that button/link a different color.

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