30 March, 2025
Spirou and Marsupilami (ill. Alain Siauve; (c) Dupuis and the artist)

Fanart Friday: Alain Siauve

Galerie Petits Papiers in Paris is holding an exhibition of homages to Spirou by various artists (many of them also available for sale). Here’s one of the pieces, by Alain Siauve:

Spirou and Marsupilami (ill. Alain Siauve; (c) Dupuis and the artist)

(News via Spirou, ami, partout, toujours)

Spirou Reporter

I grew up reading Spirou in Scandinavian translations. Now I'm learning French and trying to decode the originals.

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11 thoughts on “Fanart Friday: Alain Siauve

        1. First-time commenters have to be manually approved before posts appear, to cut down on spam. If you stick with one name/email address in the comment form, your future comments should go through automatically.

          However, I do not see any pending comments on this particular post, either in the approval queue or the spam filter, so if you did post other links, they never reached the site. Sorry!

          Anyway, while the link you sent gives a “403 Forbidden” error, apparently Google can see it, and identifies it as this:

          Marsupilami (ill. Franquin; (c) Dupuis and the artist)

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