31 March, 2025
Le Cadeau de Fantasio p. 1 (ill. Dupuis, Yoann, Vehlmann)

The Uncollected Spirou Archive

To coincide with the big Spirou anniversary on Sunday, the premier French-language fan site, InediSpirou, relaunched a section of the site that had been down for maintenance a long time.

The InediSpirou Library is a new and improved (?) version of a remarkable archive, with entries for practically any Spirou-related publication ever, and original articles. Probably the most interesting part, however, is a collection of every Spirou story that has not been collected in album or book form (in French), some that were never published at all, and a large number of sketches and illustrations. For the relaunch of the collection, these have been rescanned in higher resolution and better quality.

Le Cadeau de Fantasio p. 1 (ill. Dupuis, Yoann, Vehlmann)
Just one of the many pictures in the InediSpirou Archive

It’s a treasure trove of material that is rare, obscure, or impossible to find in any language other than French. Unfortunately, the site programmers have made some bizarre design decisions, such as rendering text pages as images, which make the archives very difficult to navigate (tip: after you select a page to view, it may take up to a minute for the view to update if the image is large, without any feedback/page loading message in the mean time; just have patience). In fact, the front page has a script that can cause it to keep refreshing over and over without ever fully loading, making it impossible to access at all. Therefore, here are direct links to the different sections of the Library:

Spirou Reporter

I grew up reading Spirou in Scandinavian translations. Now I'm learning French and trying to decode the originals.

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