While waiting for a time when Spirou Reporter is able to resume scanlations, here’s another untexted Spirou page. This is one from the “Tomb of Rejects“, by French artist Richard Di Martino (Pif, Cléo), who posted it to his blog in 2009. It’s a test page from a few years earlier, when he was applying to succeed Morvan & Munuera on the series. He never heard back from the publisher, and the job of course went to Yoann & Vehlmann.

Although I don´t think he would have been a great fit it seems pretty rude, even cruel to not even send a reply… I don´t get a lot of the choices the publisher makes. We could have had a Danier-Spirou, for god´s sake!
Danier? Daan Jippes?
Was he ever interested in doing a full album?
Yes, he actually did a sample page. It was recently in an exhibition and got printed in the “Stripnieuws” (and the exhibition catalogue). The story would have taken place in Incognito City:
Yeah, I recall that. But I don’t think it was a proposal for a new album, or even had a complete story or synopsis behind it. It was just a spoof page, mostly for the amusement of himself and his peers.
It was an April Fools’ gag, apparently…
No, he was definitely in contact with Dupuis and wanted to do an album, he talked about that in an interview.
…found it in Stripnieuws 62 from last year:
“(…) Ik had contact met Doug Headline, die een verhaal van Robbedos/Spirou had geschreven. Dat verhaal was nog niet goedgekeurd door Serge Honorez, een van drie topmensen daar, maar wel door een van de andere.(…) We hebben proefpagina´s gemaakt, maar het fiat van Serge Honorez bleef uit. (…) Ooorspronkelijk zou ons album in die vrije reeks van Robbedoes gepland staan voor 2013. (…) ”
Sounds like there is even more than one proof page out there…
L ons shot?