22 February, 2025
Spirou & Fantasio hors-séries #5: 'Les Folles aventures de Spirou' FR cover ("The Crazy Adventures of Spirou"; ill. Yoann & Vehlmann; Copyright (c) 2017 Dupuis and the artists; image from dupuis.com)

Spirou’s crazy adventures

Spirou & Fantasio hors-séries #5: 'Les Folles aventures de Spirou' FR cover ("The Crazy Adventures of Spirou"; ill. Yoann & Vehlmann; Copyright (c) 2017 Dupuis and the artists; image from dupuis.com)

The collection of short Spirou stories by Yoann & Vehlmann will be coming out as Spirou & Fantasio Hors-Série #5: Les Folles aventures de Spirou (“The Crazy Adventures of Spirou”) on 6. October.

Judging from the cover and publisher’s blurb, the 64-page album includes Back to the rédak (“Raider of the Lost Archive”, 2008), Le Cadeau de Fantasio (“Fantasio’s Present”, 2009), Groom toujours! (“Forever Bellhop”, 2013), Les Destins contrariés (“Thwarted Fates”, 2014) and Supergroom (2016). Radar le nantais (“Radar of Nantes”, 2013) should also be included, and perhaps Batguy (2016).

Spirou & Fantasio hors-séries #5: 'Les Folles aventures de Spirou' FR provisional cover ("The Crazy Adventures of Spirou"; ill. Yoann & Vehlmann; Copyright (c) 2017 Dupuis and the artists; image from dupuis.com)
Earlier version of the cover

In addition, Fantasio’s motorbike on the cover refers to an unpublished story, which may or may not be one described in the publisher’s blurb:

In “The Wild Ride”, an invention by Aurélien, the Count of Champignac’s nephew, sends Spirou, Fantasio and Spip back in time, and they have to look for spacetime portals in the different centuries they visit in order to get back to the twenty-first century.

Aurélien Champignac and the Snouffelaire, from 'L'Horloger de la comète' (ill. Tome & Janry; Copyright (c) 1986 Dupuis and the artists; image adapted from bedetheque.com)
Aurélien Champignac with the Snouffelaire, by Tome & Janry (1986)

The time-traveling Aurélien is a character from the Tome & Janry albums L’Horloger de la comète (Spirou & Fantasio #36, “The Comet’s Watchmaker”) and Le Réveil du Z (#37, “The Awakening of the Z”), making an unexpected return.

Spirou & Fantasio Spezial #24: 'Die Tollsten Abenteuer von Spirou' DE cover (Spirou & Fantasio hors-série #5: 'Les Folles aventures de Spirou'; ill. Yoann & Vehlmann; Copyright (c) 2017 Dupuis, Carlsen and the artists; image from carlsen.de)A German version of the album, Spirou & Fantasio Spezial #24: Die tollsten Abenteuer von Spirou, is scheduled for release a few days before the French edition, on 3. October. Since at least one of the short stories has already been published in other albums in German, the contents may differ somewhat.


Spirou Reporter

I grew up reading Spirou in Scandinavian translations. Now I'm learning French and trying to decode the originals.

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2 thoughts on “Spirou’s crazy adventures

    1. Yes, it looks to be an extra bonus for buyers of the first edition, probably [url=http://bdzoom.com/105069/actualites/spirou-toujours/]this little leaflet[/url], which was a supplement for subscribers to the [i]Journal[/i] #4095 (5. October 2016). [url=http://www.bdoubliees.com/journalspirou/series5/spipmagazine.htm]It contains[/url] among other things a few stories written by Vehlmann, one of them a comic drawn by Mobidic and the others texts illustrated by Frank Pé, René Follet and Krassinsky.

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