29 March, 2025
Spirou 2000 (ill. Franquin; Copyright (c) 1957 Dupuis and the artist; SR restoration)

Scanlation Sunday: Spirou 2000

Spirou 2000 (ill. Franquin; Copyright (c) 1957 Dupuis and the artist; SR restoration)

In 1957, the Journal de Spirou reached issue #1000 (albeit having skipped some numbers during the war). The anniversary issue included several supplements, including a mini-comic (pages that could be taken out and folded up to make another, smaller magazine) for which Franquin drew this little two-pager. Spirou 2000 looks forward to the magazine’s 2000th issue, which would come out in 1976. So get ready for some retro-futurism!

Spirou 2000 p.1 (ill. Franquin; Copyright (c) 1957 Dupuis and the artist; SR restoration & scanlation)
Spirou 2000 p.2 (ill. Franquin; Copyright (c) 1957 Dupuis and the artist; SR restoration & scanlation)

This scanlation was intended for 3. January, to celebrate Franquin’s birthday and because it fits pretty well with a New Year theme. But as it was originally printed in poor quality and small format, and I only had access to second-hand facsimiles of varying quality, I decided to try to restore and recolor it from scratch. This took an unreasonably long time, so it’s only ready now, two weeks late. (Nor am I convinced that the results were worth it.) It is based on scans from Les Memoires de Spirou, Franquin : Le géant du rire, and the Franquin intégrale from Rombaldi.

Spirou Reporter

I grew up reading Spirou in Scandinavian translations. Now I'm learning French and trying to decode the originals.

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18 thoughts on “Scanlation Sunday: Spirou 2000

  1. By the way, to see how the comic looked as originally published in the magazine, you can check it out [url=http://bd-archives-ab-6.wix.com/spirou-albums-60#!f-1000/cpiv]here[/url] (starting on page 41 – since the page numbers wrap around in the viewer, it’s quicker to flip backwards), a site I just learned of.

  2. This is a very entertaining comic, thanks for scanlating it. In my opinion, your recolour was definitely worth it. I was wondering where that ‘Fantasio with beard’ panel came from. It’s always fun to see the little heads of Fantasio, Spirou, Marsupilami and Spip peeking around the corner (one-to-last panel).

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